South Fork Crystal "Devil's Punchbowls"
Check out the writeup orginally posted on the CKS Site for a description and photos: Click Here
Caliproduct Event Info. For the main CP website check out
Check out the writeup orginally posted on the CKS Site for a description and photos: Click Here
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11:53 AM
For the orginal writeup check out the CKS Blog: Click Here
Posted by
12:27 PM
Yule Creek is ridiculous. The only advice I have is if you are going to Yule Creek make sure you bring your friends that like to fire shit off.
Although physically possible, this is no place to portage.
Following Demshitz (name the Pyranha guys call themselves...don't ask me) to Yule Creek.
Meeting up with Lawrence Simpson, Jared and Graham Seiler, and Dave Fusilli we rallied to the town of Marble not sure if flows were going to cooperate. Once at the turnout marking our put-in we hiked to the edge of the gorge looking down hoping she went.
Lawrence and Jared.
After setting shuttle, gearing up, and hiking down the hill we were ready to start firing it off.
Lawrence dropping over the 1st rapid below the put-in.
Blue Angel Rapids, scout these all at once from the trail high above while you scout the Bottom 4.
Heading to scout the Bottom 4.
After scouting the 6 drops into the Bottom 4 we headed back to our boats and Blue Angeled the remaining rapids before the Bottom 4. Once the cameras were set up Jared fired off Ball Check into Wall Check. Lawrence went next, then myself, Fusilli, and Graham.
Jared dropping Ball Check, 25' into Wall Check.
Lawrence lining up for Wall Check.
Lawrence grinding the left wall.
Jared filming Wall Check as Graham styles the drop.
Fusilli went next and only the video can truly do his style justice.
After celebrating our clean lines in Wall Check we got out and scouted Oriental Massage from river right. Lawrence was determined to go first and as he hit the kicker in the middle of the drop about 35' down he landed and flipped to his left sliding on his arms and chest for the remainder of the drop. Hitting the hole at the bottom his paddle was blown out his hands and he was forced to hand roll and run Happy Endings with no paddle. He styled it and the rest of us looked at one another not really sure what we had just witnessed.
Almost instantly Jared laid it out. "Well I'll go next". No one was about to stop him and we grabbed our cameras as he headed back to his boat. Hitting the same kicker Jared kept a left brace and was able to stay upright skipping his way towards Happy Endings.
Since I had volunteered to carry the video camera, it was my turn to go next. Climbing back to my boat I was swarmed by the urge to puke on the banks. The size of the massage is massive and while super awesome, a mistake here would be disastrous. Paddling out of the eddy I hugged the left wall and dropped into the left slot. In a moment of clarity I saw the kicker I was trying to hit. All I could think was "Wow I'm going really fast into...." then bam like a rocket I could feel myself flying through the air sideways. After noticable flight time I landed and managed to stay upright by some serious bracing. Eventually, my speed slowed enough for me to able to get my body centered in my boat again. The excitement of flying of the massage is why Happy Endings is so deserving of it's name. Once clear of the final drop I began cheering like I had just won a date with the entire Hawaiian Tropic Swim Team.
Paul hanging on for an Oriental Massage followed by some Happy Endings.
Graham, Oriental Massage.
Heading back to the car.
As we paddled out not one of us could stop cheering. Once at the parking lot a random guy showed up saying he knew Fusilli. Apparentely, his name is "One Time" and he invited us back to have dinner with him. We followed him back to the resturant in Marble and enjoyed some sweet grub.
We had about 700 CFS on the Crystal Gauge and found it to be a great flow.
View of Yule Creek from Take-out.
Google Earth view of Yule Creek.
Thanks to Jared for putting together the video below.
Posted by
1:59 PM
"Homestake is a mean little creek that wants to hurt you"
Paul's sentiment after his first trip down.
Having heard of Homestake Creek as the Extreme Race featured in the Teva Mountain Games, Leif and I were eager to see what the hype was about. Upon arriving at Put In I quickly lost all interest in bouncing my way down the creek which was only a trickle at 44 CFS, the race is usually done with about 100 or so. However, Leif seemed super fired up about it since he would be participating in the race in a little less than a week. So instead of running alongside and doing safety I geared up and joined Leif for a jot down the creek.
Geared up and ready to go. Paul Gamache and Leif Anderson. Photo: Conor Ross (Taken during a later trip down Homestake, 98 CFS.)
The early rapids are on the cleanside of junky which makes sense if you've seen the actual junk rapids which lay further downriver.
Leif Anderson scouting the junkier rapids downstream, no wonder this rapid is called "Piece of Shit". Photo: Paul Gamache
Things went well for the first couple drops, we both made it cleanly through the double drops and "Leap of Faith" with no problem and continued on towards "POS".
Leif Anderson and Paul Gamache boofing one of the double drops. Photo: Conor Ross (Taken during a later trip down Homestake, 98 CFS.)
Eddy below the double drops. You can see "Leap of Faith" in the distance. Photo: Conor Ross. (Taken during a later trip down Homestake, 98 CFS.)
Somewhere in the midst of the fun. Photo: Paul Gamache
All in all Homestake is actually a pretty fun creek, bring whatever motocross gear you have though cause you're gonna need it if you F* up.
Paul feeling the Homestake Luvin. Photo: Leif Anderson
Put In:
Take the Minturn exit off I-70, you should now be on 24 South. In about 10 miles you'll cross over a large bridge that looks like this:
Continue on and take the first road on your right. Park and the top of the rock pile known as Homestake Creek.
Take Out:
Drive down road next to the creek and take out at the parking lot or continue on and use the Gilman Gorge Take Out.
Flows: 60-250CFS, Leif and I got on it at 44 and 98 CFS but it's much better with more water.
Posted by
3:25 PM